

ESEA Waiver

New Jersey's approved ESEA Waiver Request requires that the state implement an accountability system with differentiated recognitions, interventions and supports. One component of this system is the calculation of progress target for each district school that participates in the state's assessment system. The NJDOE has established annual equal increments so that within six years the percentage of non-proficient students in all subgroups is reduced by half. In addition, the state has established a proficiency goal of 95 percent.. A school is determined to meet the state's expectations if it either meets its designated progress target or the state proficiency goal. Any school that does not meet the identified annual progress targets and/or state proficiency goal in any one subgroup or more, is required to be represented on a district action plan that articulates how it will address the needs of student populations that fell below the target. Click here to view 2016-2017 Progress Targets Action Plan for designated schools.

Click below to view individual School Performance Reports:

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